Picture: ©metamorworks - stock.adobe.com

Digital and Industrial Technologies in Horizon Europe

In the European Commission’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon Europe, digital and industrial technologies are primarily located in Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry and Space). The cluster is divided into the following intervention areas (“Research and Innovation Orientations – RIO”):

Digital Technologies

Picture: ©Bartek - stock.adobe.com

Key Digital Technologies

Picture: ©Cybrain - stock.adobe.com

Emerging Enabling Technologies

Picture: ©sdecoret - stock.adobe.com

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Picture: ©siro46 - stock.adobe.com

Next Generation Internet

Picture: ©siro46 - stock.adobe.com

Advanced Computing and Big Data

In addition, digital technologies also play a crucial role in Cluster 3 (Cybersecurity) and in the Digital Europe Programme, which supports the use of technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

Industrial Technologies

Picture: ©nordroden - stock.adobe.com

Manufacturing Technologies

Picture: ©Cybrain - stock.adobe.com

Emerging Enabling Technologies

Picture: ©ktsdesign - stock.adobe.com

Advanced Materials

Picture: ©vegefox.com - stock.adobe.com

Low-Carbon and Clean Industries

Picture: ©Elnur - stock.adobe.com

Circular Industries

Picture: ©Sunshine Seeds - stock.adobe.com

Raw Materials

RIO 10 (Space) including Earth Observation is advised by NCP Space.