Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the European funding programme for research and innovation, with a total budget of €95.5 billion for the seven-year term (2021-2027). The content of the funding programme is geared towards important social issues such as health, the environment and transport. A central objective is to contribute to solving current challenges facing Europe (climate change, ageing society, digital transformation). The tasks here are to generate knowledge, strengthen the influence of research and innovation on the development, support and implementation of Union policy and support access to and acceptance of innovative solutions in European industry and society.
Horizon Europe consists of the following three pillars:
- Scientific excellence
- Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness
- Innovative Europe
Compared to the predecessor programme Horizon 2020, there is a lot of continuity in Horizon Europe, but also some innovations. These include a strategic plan with the political objectives for the first four respective last three years of Horizon Europe, which forms the basis for the work programmes and call topics; the consolidation of global challenges and European industrial competitiveness in Pillar II and the institutionalisation of the European Innovation Council (EIC) in Pillar III of the programme.